I love my Ladybug, Cowboy, Firefly, and Boo...the Four Amigos! Have fun learning and playing on your website.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Your Fall Schedule

Ladybug and Cowboy,

Here is what you both should do every day:

Reading Eggs
Big IQ Kids Spelling
Ooka Island (review item--use the link on your computer's desktop)
Keyboard Town Pals (review item)

You may play Big Bibletown (use the link on your computer's desktop), if you have extra time.


Here is what you should do every day:

Ooka Island (use the link on your computer's desktop)
Click n' Read
Starfall (if you have time)
Keyboard Town Pals (review item)

1 comment:

  1. How neat to have websites dedicated to your kids! (I saw your 7th graders too.) A special place just for them! Thanks for stopping by Our Side Side of the Mountain!
